Friday, May 25, 2018

the military service in Korea!

One thing that every kpop fan has to take into consideration is the military service in Korea!
Wether you stan a boy group member, a rapper, a solo artist or an actor -whoever you stand for, really- they will have to go to the army. 
Korea is in fact one of the Country where the military service is still mandatory. Before the 30th year of age, every korean man has to take two years of hiatus from his life to go and serve into the korean Army. The first month is supposedly the hardest one, because they can't have a phone or snacks, or a laptop, or communicatewith the outside world. Then life gets a bit easier...but still not as comfortable as life out of the army. So, what can a fan do to help her loved idol to "survive"?

You can send Goodies or Letters. As easy as it seems, it's true that you can actually send stuff to your favorite drama actor or to your favorite singer....But, will you be able to find his name and where are they actually completing their service?
That's what we're here for!

We can set packages of snacks in your name, or prepare support food. We can print letters or send objects. We can do everything in your name and personally take them to the designated office to be sure that they will reach the right hands.
We either can send the package with objects previously purchased by you, or we can help you set a small (or big) set of snacks/plushie/gadgets for your idol. The service is offered to overseeas residents (we will take care of everything for you) or foreigners in Korea.
Our service is easy and communication with us will be smooth and easy, since our staff speaks english. This is not the first time we offer this kind of service, so just give us your list of goods and letters, and let us do the rest!

*Do you need korea concert information?

kakao ohmydany
Whats app +821076226372

#gdragon #bigbang #army